11 research outputs found

    Patches in a timeline with ossia score

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    Handling of time and scores in patchers such as PureData, Max/MSP has been an ongoing concern for composers and users of such software. We introduce an integration of PureData inside the ossia score interactive and intermedia sequencer, based on libpd. This integration allows to score precisely event that are being sent to a PureData patch, and process the result of the patch’s computations afterwards in score. This paper describes the way this integration has been achieved, and how it enables composers to easily add a temporal dimension to a set of patches, by leveraging both the computational power of PureData and the temporal semantics of the ossia system, in order to create complex compositions

    Patches in a timeline with ossia score

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    Handling of time and scores in patchers such as PureData, Max/MSP has been an ongoing concern for composers and users of such software. We introduce an integration of PureData inside the ossia score interactive and intermedia sequencer, based on libpd. This integration allows to score precisely event that are being sent to a PureData patch, and process the result of the patch's computations afterwards in score. This paper describes the way this integration has been achieved, and how it enables composers to easily add a temporal dimension to a set of patches, by leveraging both the computational power of PureData and the temporal semantics of the ossia system, in order to create complex compositions

    Graphical Temporal Structured Programming for Interactive Music

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    International audienceThe development and authoring of interactive music or applications , such as user interfaces for arts & exhibitions has traditionally been done with tools that pertain to two broad metaphors. Cue-based environments work by making groups of parameters and sending them to remote devices , while more interactive applications are generally written in generic art-oriented programming environments, such as Max/MSP, Processing or openFrameworks. In this paper, we present the current version of the i-score se-quencer. It is an extensive graphical software that bridges the gap between time-based, logic-based and flow-based interactive application authoring tools. Built upon a few simple and novel primitives that give to the composer the expressive power of structured programming, i-score provides a time line adapted to the notation of parameter-oriented interactive music, and allows temporal scripting using JavaScript. We present the usage of these primitives, as well as an i-score example of work inspired from music based on polyvalent structure

    Rethinking the audio workstation: tree-based sequencing with i-score and the LibAudioStream

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    International audienceThe field of digital music authoring provides a wealth of creative environments in which music can be created and authored: patchers, programming languages, and multi-track sequencers. By combining the i-score interactive sequencer to the LibAudioStream audio engine, a new music software able to represent and play rich interactive audio sequences is introduced. We present new stream expressions compatible with the LibAudioStream, and use them to create an interactive audio graph: hierarchical stream and send-return streams. This allows to create branching and arbitrarily nested musical scores, in an OSC-centric environment. Three examples of interactive musical scores are presented: the recreation of a traditional multi-track sequencer, an interactive musical score, and a temporal effect graph

    Authoring and automatic verification of interactive multimedia scores

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    International audienceThe advances in authoring of interactive scores call for a thorough analysis of the written scores. A possible way to ensure correctness of an interactive score is through the use of formal techniques such as model checking. In this work, we present a visual model of the inter-media sequencer i-score and we propose a Timed Automata encoding to reason about the interactive scores written in this software. The verification of some properties of interactive scores is presented, along an evaluation of the performance of the model-checking process with uppaal

    OSSIA: Towards a unified interface for scoring time and interaction

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    International audienceThe theory of interactive scores addresses the writing and execution of temporal constraints between musical objects, with the ability to describe the use of interactivity in the scores. In this paper, a notation for the use of conditional branching in interactive scores will be introduced. It is based on a high level formalism for the authoring of interactive scores developed during the course of the OS-SIA research project. This formalism is meant to be at the same time easily manipulated by composers, and translat-able to multiple formal methods used in interactive scores like Petri nets and timed automaton. An application programming interface that allows the interactive scores to be embedded in other software and the authoring software, I-SCORE, will be presented

    Techniques vidéo-ludiques pour logiciel auteur multimédia

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    Problématique : Conception d'un logiciel d'écriture temporelle amené à être utilisé en production par des artistes tout en servant de plateforme de recherche extensible pour des technologies multimédia. Méthode : Conception en entité-composant-système avec hiérarchies symétriques d'entités et de composants. Plusieurs moteurs opèrent en parallèle, avec une conception modulaire pour étendre le modèle. Création d'entités sémantiques fortes par héritage, puis d'extensions faibles par composition. Hiérarchie : création automatique de composants enfants à la création de nouvelles entités. Résultats : Plusieurs moteurs sont implémentés de cette manière : il est en pratique souvent nécessaire d'avoir des graphes miroirs du graphe principal avec des données supplémentaires

    Le séquenceur interactif multimédia i-score

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    National audienceLe séquenceur interactif multimédia i-score permet de décrire le temps de manière fine avec des outils issus de la programmation, pour des personnes n’ayant pas de pratique de développement logiciel

    Outils d'écriture spatiale pour les partitions interactives

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    National audienceL'écriture de partitions interactives évolue pour inclure du contenu spatial. En effet, dans de nombreuses pratiques de création, musicales ou scénographiques, un travail sur des paramètres à plusieurs dimensions apparaît nécessaire. Cela peut être dû à de la spatialisation du son ou à la nécessité de répondre à des contraintes physiques sur une scène. Il est possible de définir des sous-espaces utiles pour la définition de ces paramètres en tant que zones d'espace : les courbes de trajectoires paramétriques en sont un exemple. Nous présentons les modèles possibles pour l'écriture de contenu spatial. Un modèle mixte est choisi pour l'implémentation dans le séquenceur i-score. Il offre des moyens d'écriture très généraux ainsi que la possibilité de spécialiser et d'optimiser certains cas lorsque cela s'avère nécessaire. Cette implémentation comporte des outils d'édition, de visualisation, ainsi que deux possibles sémantiques d'exécution offrant une forte interopérabilité avec les scénarios interactifs